Office Bearers
Our Past Presidents serve as Advisory Board.
The interests of the Federation is looked after by the Executive Committee.
The AFSM Executive Committee is supported by Standing Commissions.
The Executive Committee may admit Co-op members who represents an organization that recognized by AFSM, or whose presence can enhance the progress of the Federation.
Advisory Board

Dr. Mohammad Razi
Dept. of Orthopaedics Surgery, Rasoul Akram University Hospital,
Tehran University of Medcial Sciences Shahr-Ara, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Guoping Li
National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing, China
Prof. Patrick Yung
Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Executive Committee

Prof. Minhao Xie
National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing, China
President Elect

Dr. Raymond So
Director, Elite Training Science & Technology, Hong Kong Sports Institute,
Hong Kong, China
Immediate Past President
Prof. Patrick Yung
Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Vice Presidents

Dr. Ahmad Bin Nasser
West Asia
President, Saudi Federation of Sports Medicine, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Joo Han Oh
East Asia
Professor and Chief, Shoulder Surgery Division,
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Dr. Pinit Kullavanijaya
South East Asia
President of Sports Medicine Association of Thailand (SMAT), Thailand

Dr. Talia Alenabi
Central Asia
Sports medicine federation of Iran, Iran &
University of Waterloo, Department of Kinesiology, Canada

​Dr. Ucksy Mallick
South Asia
Sports Medicine Association of Pakistan, Pakistan
Secretary General

Dr. EBS Ramanathan
Senior Consultant Orthopedics & Head of Sports Injuries & Arthroscopy Khoula Hospital, Muscat, Oman

Dr. Gary Mak
Pro-Cardio Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Centre,
Hong Kong, China
Executive Members

Dr. Abdulla Alrahoomi
Adjunct Professor, College of Medicine & Health Sciences,
UAE University & Khalifa University, UAE

Dr. Ead Lorprayoon
Secretary General, Sports Medicine Association of Thailand. Sports Medicine
and Orthopedics Section, Samitivej Srinakarin Hodpital, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Essam Mohamed Mohamed Shaaban
Sports Medicine & Research Centre (SMRC), Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sports,
Brunei Darussalam

Dr. Jin Su Kim
Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Surgeon, Board Certified Specialist in Sports Medicine,
Sejong Sports Medicine and Performance Center, Seoul, Korea

Dr. JingBin Zhou
National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing, China

Dr. Roshanak Moradi
Vice President of Persian Orthopedic Trauma Association (POTA), Tehran, Iran

Dr. Sung-Kai Lin
Director, Landseed Sports Medicine Center
Secretary General, Taiwan Academy of Sports Medicine, Chinese Taipei

Dr. Upul Madahapola
President, Sri Lanka Sports Medicine Association,
Sri Lanka
Standing Commissions
Education and Scientific Commissions
Vice Chairpersons

Dr. Chanakarn Phornphutkul
Associated professor
Department of Orthopaedic, Chiangmai University, Thailand

Prof. Seung Hoon Han
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Korea
Dr. Alston Choong Wai Kwong
Vice President, Malaysian Association of Sports Medicine
Consultant Sports, Exercise & Musculoskeletal Medicine
Physician & Senior Lecturer at the Department of Sports Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Emad Mallick
Sports Medicine Association of Pakistan, Pakistan
Liaison and Anti-Doping Commissions
Vice Chairpersons

Dr. Gholamreza Norouzi
Sports Medicine Federation of IRAN, Tehran, Iran

Dr. Hilary Inwood
Director of Sports Medicine Division, Sports Science Department, Sports Authority of Thailand, Thailand

Dr. Dinesh Sirisena
Consultant, Sports & Exercise Medicine, Non-invasive Musculoskeletal
Interventions, Singapore

Prof. Sivarman Arumugam
Sri Ramachandra Centre for Sports Science,
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research
(Deemed University), Chennai, India
Co-Op Member

Dr. Chan Kin Yuen
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dr. Hashel AlTunaiji
Sport & Exercise Medicine Consultant
Zayed Military Hospital affiliated with Zayed Military University, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India

Dr. Kamming Mok
Assistant Manager (Physical Education), Office of Student Affairs, Lingnan University,
Hong Kong, China

Dr. Pieter D’Hooghe
Chief Medical Officer, Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in Doha, Qatar